Spain beat Brazil, Argentina and Portugal in the Join quickly Cup.
Spain beat Turkey, Netherlands and Italy in the fan cup Cup.
Spain beat Turkey, Brazil, Poland and Portugal in the bismillah Cup.
Spain beat Poland, Brazil and Portugal in the Extreme Cup.
Spain beat England, Brazil and Mexico in the Please not lag Cup.
Spain beat Germany, England, USA and Russia in the hmmm Cup.
Spain beat Portugal, England and Poland in the kukuryku Cup.
Spain beat Belgium, Poland, Turkey and Brazil in the fan cup 4 players Cup.
Spain beat Argentina, Italy and Poland in the Go fan cup Cup.
Spain beat Turkey, Argentina, Portugal, England and Croatia in the fan cup Cup.
Spain beat Colombia, Germany, Romania and Italy in the 2009 Power Soccer Cup Cup. Spain beat Portugal, Argentina and Mexico in the 4 Cup. Spain beat Portugal in the ESP V.S BRA V.S POR V.S ITA Cup. Spain beat Argentina, Portugal and Brazil in the entren Cup. Spain beat Mexico, USA and Argentina in the GRAN CUP FUTBOL Cup. Spain beat Poland, Argentina and Germany in the Clan Cup Cup. Spain beat Belgium, Poland and Russia in the tudiytf Cup. Spain beat Italy in the Pantera rossa Cup |